Student Residence Information
If you have a Residence emergency, you can call our 24/7 HelpDesk at 416-585-4524.
Residence Agreement 2024-2025
Residence Handbook
Income Tax Information
Residence fees cannot be claimed as rent for income tax purposes. Under the Income Tax Act, universities are exempt from paying municipal property taxes.
The Ontario Income Tax Act stipulates that all students living in designated university (tax-exempted) student residences are limited to an Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit claim based on an occupancy cost of $25 for the time they resided in the student residence. Therefore, the amount that can be claimed for income tax purposes is $25 and not the full amount of residence fees paid. On Line 6114 (Student Residences) of your income tax return, tick the box to claim $25 as your occupancy cost for the part of the year you lived in residence.
We do not issue tax receipts for residence fees or meal plan payments.
For more information and to view the list of designated student residences, please visit the Ontario Ministry of Finance and review the “Frequently Asked Questions” on Property Tax Credits.
First-Year Students’ Application and Fees
We are excited to welcome first-year students who received a housing guarantee. Students with the housing guarantee will be sent offers on a rolling basis. Residence fees are the sum of the meal plan, room, and residence council fees. For us to guarantee your spot in residence, you must pay your deposits and residence fees.
Bursaries are available for students with financial needs (open to currently registered students).
Residence Fee Deadlines
Offer of Acceptance
A $1,000 deposit is due at the time you accept your Vic Residence Offer. This deposit must be paid through the online application (StarRez), and cannot be paid through ACORN/ROSI.
July 12, 2024
A second deposit of $1,000 will be due on the week of July 12, 2024. This total of $2,000 (first deposit and second deposit) is non-refundable and will confirm your intention to live in residence. You will also receive your building assignment at this time. Failure to pay the second deposit by the due date will cancel your room reservation, and your space will be offered to the next person on our waitlist.
All deposits must be paid through the online application (StarRez), and cannot be paid through ACORN/ROSI.
September 30, 2024
Fall residence/meal plan fees are due for all residents.
November 30, 2024
Winter residence/meal plan fees are due for residents who have not officially deferred their fees on ROSI/ACORN.
January 31, 2025
Winter residence/meal plan fees are due for residents who have officially deferred their fees on ROSI/ACORN.
Residence and Meal plan fees are posted to ACORN in August after tuition fees have been posted.
Fees Information
Residence and meal plan fees for both Fall and Winter terms will be charged to your ACORN account by mid-August, 2024. Note that your payments may take up to five days to appear on ACORN.
If you obtained a tuition deferral (and registered without payment) or paid the minimum required payment amount displayed on your ACORN invoice or fees have changed since the registration period, you must pay outstanding fees by the Fall term, Winter term, or Summer session deadlines. Otherwise, monthly service charge fees will be billed on your ACORN invoice on the 15th of every month at a monthly rate of 1.5 per cent compounded (19.56 per cent per annum) until paid in full. View Other Restrictions on Past Due Accounts.
More information on student fees is available on the Students Accounts Website.
Every student is responsible for monitoring their own ACORN account balance; regular reminders are sent through UTOR email.
First Year Residence Tours
Experience Victoria College firsthand with an in-person tour!
Led by current students, our tours (45-60 minutes) explore residence buildings, the dining hall, and the student center. Discover campus life, student services, and academic programs at Vic!
Click here for more information
Unable to have an in-person tour? Check out our virtual tours:
Upper-Year Students’ Application and Fees
Residence applications will open to all current first-year and upper-year students on February 12 and close on February 29, 2024. No deposit is required to submit your initial application. We have limited spaces for upper-year students and offers will be allocated via a lottery system on March 13, 2024, with a deadline of one week to complete the balance of the application, sign the residence agreement, and pay the initial first deposit of $1,000. Additional rounds of offers will take place on April 22, 2024 and April 29, 2024.
Bursaries are available for students with financial needs (i.e., OSAP recipients).
Residence Awards are also available which recognize academic merit and extra-curricular involvement.
Offers of residence will be contingent upon:
- Confirmation of a minimum 2.0 AGPA for the 2023-2024 academic period
- Confirmation of zero balance on the applicant’s ACORN account by April 2024
Students who are unsuccessful in the first-round lottery will be added to our waitlist and will be contacted as additional spaces become available after March 19, 2024.
For those who are selected, we do our best to accommodate building and floor choices where possible.
Residence Fee Deadlines
Offer of Acceptance
A $1,000 deposit is due when you accept your Vic Residence Offer. This deposit must be paid through the online application (StarRez), and cannot be paid through ACORN/ROSI.
April 19, 2024
A second deposit of $1,000 will be due the week of April 19, 2024. This total of $2,000 (first deposit and second deposit) is non-refundable and will confirm your intention of living in residence. You will also receive your building assignment at this time. Failure to pay the second deposit by the due date will result in the cancellation of your room reservation, and your space will be offered to the next person on our waitlist.
September 30, 2024
Fall residence/meal plan fees are due for all residents.
November 30, 2024
Winter residence/meal plan fees are due for residents who have not officially deferred their fees on ROSI/ACORN.
January 31, 2025
Winter residence/meal plan fees are due for residents who have officially deferred their fees on ROSI/ACORN.
Residence and meal plan fees for both Fall and Winter will be charged to your ACORN account by mid-August 2024. Note that your payments may take up to 5 days to appear on ACORN.
Late Payments
If you obtained a tuition deferral (register without payment) or paid the minimum required payment amount displayed on your ACORN invoice or fees have changed since the registration period, you must pay outstanding fees by the fall term, winter term or summer session deadlines. Otherwise, monthly service charge fees will be billed on your ACORN invoice on the 15th of every month at a monthly rate of 1.5 per cent compounded (19.56 per cent per annum) until paid in full. View other restrictions on past due accounts.
More information on student fees is available on the Students Accounts Website.
Every student is responsible for monitoring their own ACORN account balance; regular reminders are sent through UTOR email.
Meal Plans
View our latest Meal Plans here.
Accessibility Services
If you are a student who requires accommodation related to accessibility, it is important that you register with Accessibility Services as soon as possible.
Withdrawal Policy
Students who want to cancel or withdraw from residence must do so by emailing Please include your full name, student number, and reason for cancelling. Withdrawals will not be accepted in person or over the phone.
Residence Withdrawal Policy
Students considering living in residence should be aware of the following University Residence Withdrawal Policy. Applications are accepted and accommodation is assigned on the understanding that the student is making a financial commitment for the full academic/residence session. There are serious financial responsibilities entailed in withdrawing from residence before the end of the 2024-2025 fall-winter academic period. Students will need to obtain approval from the Dean of Students for any special considerations or exemptions from this policy. Since residence and meal plan fees are set for the entire 2024-2025 Fall-Winter Academic Term (which commences on August 25, 2024, for first-year students, and ends on April 30, 2025), and not on a week-to-week or month-to-month basis, students are accepted to a residence on the understanding that they will remain in residence for the full academic session. By signing this agreement, the student acknowledges and confirms that they are entering into a contract to occupy the premises for a set term in accordance with the provisions of this agreement and that the operation of the residence and dining hall depends on a stable resident census.
Residence Withdrawal Fees
Students who leave residence during the term of this Agreement will be held financially responsible as follows:
- Students who withdraw will forfeit the deposit(s) once paid ($1,000 for the first deposit, $1,000 for the second deposit.)
- Students who withdraw between their scheduled move-in day and September 15, 2024 will have their fees prorated to the date of their departure and will forfeit $2,000.
- Students who withdraw between September 15, 2024 and November 30, 2024 will have their fees prorated to the day of their departure and will pay a $2,500 move-out fee.
- Students who withdraw after December 1, 2024, will be responsible for all applicable fees and charges in their entirety.
Residence Buildings
Residence Fees
Annual Room Fees - 2024-2025
Annesley Hall
Single Room........................................................................................$ 12,202
Double Room......................................................................................$11,314
Triple Room.........................................................................................$9,480
Super Single.........................................................................................$13,183
Margaret Addison Hall
Single Room.........................................................................................$12,202
Single Room with bath.........................................................................$13,257
Double Room.......................................................................................$11,314
Double Room with bath.......................................................................$12,375
Triple Room..........................................................................................$ 9,480
Super Single..........................................................................................$13,183
Burwash Hall Upper Houses
Single Room.........................................................................................$12,202
Double Room.......................................................................................$11,314
Loft Double Room................................................................................$10,542
Super Singles........................................................................................$13,183
Single Room with shared bath............................................................$12,532
Double Room with shared bath..........................................................$11,642
Burwash Hall Lower Houses
Single Room without bed alcove........................................................$13,486
Single Room with bed alcove..............................................................$14,520
Double Room.......................................................................................$11,973
Triple Room..........................................................................................$ 9,480
Super Single..........................................................................................$ 15,678
Rowell Jackman Hall
(All rooms are within a shared 3–12-bedroom apartment)
Single Room.........................................................................................$13,356
Double Room.......................................................................................$11,642
Super Single.........................................................................................$14,422
Double Room w/2p bath.....................................................................$11,973
Super Single w/bath.............................................................................$14,684
Information about move in dates
First-year move-in Aug. 25, 2024. Early arrival is possible based on availability.
Upper-year move-in Aug. 31, 2024. Early arrival is possible based on availability.
Detailed instructions regarding move-in will be sent via email in August.
Annesley Hall
When it opened in 1903, Annesley Hall was the first residence built specifically for women in Canada. It was renovated in 1988 and houses female students in single, double and triple rooms. Annesley is known for its close-knit community and for the fact that no two rooms are the same.
If you have a roommate request please email
Specific room assignments (beyond building and room type) will be sent via email in August.
Annesley Hall Residence Virtual Tours
Margaret Addison Hall
This co-ed residence for both first-year and upper-year students has double and single rooms. It features music practice rooms, study areas, kitchenettes, and six common rooms.3
If you have a roommate request please email
Specific room assignments (beyond building and room type) will be sent via email in August.
Margaret Addison Hall Floor Plan
Margaret Addison Hall Virtual Tours:
Rowell Jackman Hall
Due to their architecture and age, our residences can be challenging living environments for students with accessibility needs. In 1993 Rowell Jackman Hall was built in accordance with the accessibility standards of the time, but even it no longer meets some current accessibility requirements.
Our suite-style residence offers single-sex and co-ed housing options. Each suite houses three to seven students in single and double rooms. The suites have common rooms, one or two washrooms, shared kitchen facilities and a living room. This residence is home to primarily upper-year students, although some first-year students are also housed in double rooms.
Some suites are designed to accommodate residents with accessibility needs, and the building is wheelchair-accessible from the parkade level.
If you have a suitemate or roommate request please email
Specific room assignments (beyond building and room type) will be sent via email in August.
Rowell Jackman Hall Floor Plan
Rowell Jackman Hall Virtual Tours:
Upper Burwash Hall
The Upper Houses of Burwash Hall (North, Middle, South and Gate) are co-ed and house first-year and upper-year students in single and double rooms. Each floor has a kitchenette and a small eating area. Each floor has a common room with cable TV. Washrooms are co-ed.
If you have a roommate request please email
Specific room assignments (beyond building and room type) will be sent via email in August.
Upper Burwash Virtual Tours:
Lower Burwash Hall
The Lower Houses of Burwash Hall (First House, Nelles, Caven, and Bowles-Gandier) were constructed in 1931, and renovations were completed in November of 1995. Students are housed in single, double, and triple rooms with semi-private washrooms. Rooms on the first three floors of each house have individual sleeping alcoves with adjoining study/sitting rooms. Each floor has a kitchenette. Each house has a common room with cable TV.
If you have a roommate request please email
Specific room assignments (beyond building and room type) will be sent via email in August.
Lower Burwash Virtual Tours
Residence Dons
Residence Dons are upper-year student staff who live in the residence buildings. Residence Dons act as a resource and are responsible for community development, social/educational programming, crisis intervention, referrals, policy enforcement, and the overall well-being of the residents.
Please, refer to your floor/houses bulletin board for programming information.
Residence Dons Applications
Please take a minute to look through the Don Application Checklist as well as the Job Description before applying:
If you have any questions, please contact Alisha Talpur at
For all Vic Student Leadership Opportunities, visit this page.
Apply Here By Jan. 15, 2025Maintenance Request & Light Bulb Changes
For assistance from maintenance, including lightbulb changes, please visit the maintenance page and submit a Fiix maintenance service request to Victoria University in the University of Toronto.